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Managing Fussy Eating in Toddlers: A Parent’s Guide to Stress-Free Mealtimes
Module 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction - watch me first! (1:42)
1.2 What is fussy eating? (0:50)
1.3 Why are so many children fussy eaters? (4:57)
1.4 How this course will help - introducing the D.E.-S.T.R.E.S.S. way (1:24)
1.5 When to get more help (1:54)
Module 1 Introduction - Transcript
Worksheet 1 Rate your mealtime stress
Module 2: D is for Distraction-Free
2.1 D is for Distraction-Free (3:21)
2.2 How to become Distraction-Free (2:18)
2.3 Rate your mealtimes for D is Distraction-free (1:05)
Module 2 D is for Distraction-Free -Transcript
Worksheet 2 Rate your mealtimes for D is for Distraction-Free
Module 3: E is for Eat Together
3.1 E is for Eat Together (2:49)
3.2 How to Eat Together more (1:05)
3.3 Rate your mealtimes for E is for Eat Together (0:55)
Module 3 E is for Eat Together - Transcript
Worksheet 3 Rate your mealtimes for E is for Eat Together
Module 4: S is for Seated
4.1 S is for Seated (1:02)
4.2 Where to sit? (0:40)
4.3 What is the best seating for my child? (3:32)
4.4 What if my child refuses to sit in their high chair or booster seat? (0:44)
4.5 Rate your mealtimes for S is for Seated (0:58)
Module 4 S is for Seated - Transcript
Worksheet 4 Rate your mealtimes for S is for Seated
Module 5: T is for Two Choices
5.1 T is for Two Choices (3:14)
5.2 Two Choices at mealtimes (1:54)
5.3 Rate your meals for T is for Two Choices (0:57)
Module 5 T is for Two Choices - Transcript
Worksheet 5 Rate your mealtimes for T is for Two Choices
Module 6: R is for Remove Pressure
6.1 R is for Remove Pressure (2:39)
6.2 How much pressure is too much? (1:03)
6.3 Why is pressure a bad thing? (1:30)
6.4 How to change? (1:36)
6.5 Rate your mealtimes for R is for Remove Pressure (0:55)
Module 6 Remove Pressure - Transcript
Worksheet 6 Rate your mealtimes for R is for Remove Pressure
Module 7: E is for Establish Routines
7.1 E is for Establish Routines (1:33)
7.2 What sort of routines? (1:43)
7.3 Establishing a daily routine (1:31)
7.4 What about drinks? (0:46)
7.5 Rate your mealtimes for E is for Establish Routines (0:57)
Module 7 E is for Est Routine - Transcript
Worksheet 7 Rate your mealtimes for E is Establish Routines
Module 8: S is for Self-fed
8.1 S is for Self-fed (1:40)
8.2 How to move to Self-feeding? (0:44)
8.3 Where to start with S is for Self-fed (1:57)
8.4 Rate your mealtimes for S is for Self-fed (0:49)
Module 8 S is for Self-fed - Transcript
Worksheet 8 Rate your mealtimes for S is Self-Fed
Module 9: S is for Short
9.1 S is for Short (1:27)
9.2 Rate your mealtimes for S is for Short (0:46)
Module 9 S is for Short - Transcript
Worksheet 9 Rate your mealtimes for S is Short
Module 10: Making changes - the D.E.-S.T.R.E.S.S. way
10.1 Making changes the D.E.-S.T.R.E.S.S. way (0:46)
10.2 Where to start? (0:53)
10.3 Filling in the worksheet (4:24)
10.4 Making more changes (1:01)
Module 10 Making changes the D.E.-S.T.R.E.S.S. way -Transcript
Worksheet 10 Compare your mealtime scores
Worksheet 11 Review your mealtime stress ratings
Worksheet 12 DESTRESS change plan
Worksheet 13 DESTRESS change review
Module 6 Remove Pressure - Transcript
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